Dr. Jisoo Han


Dr. Han’s practice deals with a large spectrum of women’s health related issues  from preventive yearly checkups to obstetrics and gynecological management. She is fluent in both English and Korean languages. Read more about Dr. Han..



According to the American Pregnancy Association, more than six million women in the U.S. suffer with infertility, or the inability to conceive a child. To determine infertility, gynecologists use a number of screening tests to detect possible causes. Blood tests and urine tests are both used to examine hormonal levels, and tests like endometrial biopsy and Pap smear are also useful for determining a woman’s reproductive health and ability to become pregnant.

If a woman is determined to suffer from infertility, certain prescription drugs may be administered to encourage ovulation. Other treatments include hormonal therapy to help protect a fertilized egg, as well as surgery to remove any uterine obstructions that may hinder implantation or fertilization.

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Tues-Thurs-Sat: 8 am - 6 pm
Mon: 8 am- 12 pm
: Hospital Hours
2 Lincoln Hwy., Ste. 311A
(Levinson Plaza on Rte 27)
Edison, NJ 08820



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